Economics of Education

Maureen W. McClure

Associate Professor

Department of Administration and Policy Studies

Senior Researcher

International Institute for Studies in Education

School of Education


Hector Correa


Graduate School of Public and International Affairs

University of Pittsburgh

Pittsburgh, PA  15260

Spring, 2001

Mondays 4:30 -7:10 p.m.


Maureen McClure

Office: WWPH 5K38

ADMPS  2398

Phone 1.412.648. 7114

Fax: 1.412.624.2609



Hector Correa

Office: WWPH 3N27


Phone  1.412.648.7653



The course provides an introduction to the economic analysis of education, with particular emphasis given to the economics of education in developing countries. Among the topics to be covered are: human capital theory and functional, critical and interpretive economic perspectives on it. The course also supports learning through use of the Internet. Students will develop individual case studies that will map perspectives on economics and education within an international organization.


This semester’s cases will focus on Secondary Education Reform and Youth Policy.



January 8

Introduction to Education as a Comparative Field: Comparative Perspectives, Comparative Countries


If you can, watch the movie


January 15

Martin Luther King Holiday


January 22 to February 12

The Microeconomic Theory of Education

Professor Hector Correa, GSPIA


February 19  

A Matter of Common Sense-Science and Self-Evidence:

Schultz, T. W. (1981). "The Economics of Being Poor." in Investing in People: The Economics of Population Quality (Berkeley: University of California Press) Chapter 1, pp. 3-17.

A Matter that Sense is Not Common:

Blaug, M. (1987). "The Empirical Status of Human Capital Theory: A Slightly Jaundiced Survey" in The Economics of Education and the Education of an Economist. (New York: New York University Press), pp. 100-128.  

A Matter of History:

North, D.(1981). Structure and Change in Economic History. (New York: W.W. Norton), Chapter 5, pp. 45-58.


February 26

A Matter of Morality: Critical Thinking: Preserving Hierarchy

Bowles, S. and H. Gintis (1976). Schooling in Capitalist America: Educational Reform and the Contradictions of Economic Life. (New York: Basic Books) Chapter 3, pp. 53-101.

McClure, M. (1990). Adieu Victoria? Reform and Critical Strategy in the Brimelow-Hickrod Debates. Journal of Education Finance, pp. 534-557.


March 5

Spring Break


March 12

A Matter of Conversation: The Linguistic Turn and Interpretative Thinking: Cultural Understandings and Metaphors

McCloskey, D. N. (1994). Knowledge and Persuasion in Economics. (Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press) Chapters 2 and 3 (pp. 13-25 and 27-37).

Retamal, G. Education as a Humanitarian Response. Guest Speaker.                                


March 19

A Matter of Economic Survival: Human Capital, Knowledge Management and Learning Communities

Thurow, L. The Future of Capitalism.

Frank, R.H. and Cook, P.J. The Winner-Take-All Society.

 Measurement of Means to Ends: Cost-Benefit Analysis

Psacharopoulos, G. and M. Woodhall. (1985). Education for Development: An Analysis of Investment Choices. A World Bank Publication. (New York: Oxford University Press) Chapters 7 and 8, pp. 128-204.    


March 26

Free Riders and the Externality Problem

McClure, M. "Chronic Economic Stress and the Free Rider Problem in Higher Education Finance Policy in the United States." National Academy for Educational Administration, Champing, China. Asian Development Bank. May 1996


April 2

Political and Social Equity and Access: The United States

Kozol, J. (1991). Savage Inequalities: Children in America’s Schools (New York: Crown Publishers) Chapter 2, pp. 40-82.

McClure, M. (1994). The Reform that Wasn’t: the Lighthouse Strategy of Local Control. in Investing in U.S. Schools: Directions for Educational Policy. B Jones and K. Borman, (eds.). (Norwood, NJ: Ablex), pp. 146-160.


April 9

Education and Economics Intersect: The Sectoral Study

Mingat, A. and Jee-Peng Tan. (1988). Analytical Tools for Sector Work in Education. The World Bank. (Baltimore, MD: John Hopkins University Press) Chapters 1 and 2, pp. 1-24.


April 16

Latin American Case Studies: Costa Rica

Carnoy, M. and C. A. Torres. (1994). "Educational Change and Structural Adjustment: A Case Study of Costa Rica." in Samoff, Joel, (ed.) Coping with Crisis: Austerity, Adjustment and Human Resources. ILO-UNESCO. (New York: Cassell) Chapter 5, pp. 64-99.


April 23

European Case Studies: Bosnia

Spaulding, S. (1994). The Education Sector in Bosnia-Herzegovina and Possible Long-Term Options for Educational Policy, Planning and Development Assistance. UNICEF report. (Pittsburgh, PA: International Institute for Studies in Education), November 5.